Senarai di bawah merupakan senarai kod HTML yang biasa digunakan.
Start Tag | End Tag | Description |
<a> | </a> | Defines a anchor which can be used for links or to create a bookmark within a page |
<b> | </b> | Renders as bold text |
<backquote> | </backquote> | Defines a long quotation |
<big> | </big> | Renders big text |
<body> | </body> | Defines the document's body |
<br> | </br> | Defines a line break. Close tag is needed only for XHTML |
<button> | </button> | Defines a push button |
<caption> | </caption> | Defines a table/picture caption |
<center> | </center> | Used to center text or objects |
<code> | </code> | computer code text |
<col> | </col> | attribute values for one or more columns in a table |
<div> | </div> | a division or a section in an HTML document and is often used to group block-elements to format them with styles |
<em> | </em> | Renders as emphasized text |
<font> | </font> | Specifies the font face, font size, and font color of text |
<form> | </form> | Used to create an HTML form for user input |
<frame> | </frame> | defines one particular window (frame) within a frameset |
<head> | </head> | Container for all the head elements in a html document |
<h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6> | </h1></h2></h3></h4></h5></h6> | h1 defines the largest heading and the heading get smaller moving towards h6 the smallest. |
<html> | </html> | Declares to the browser that this is an HTML document |
<i> | </i> | Renders as italic text |
<iframe> | </iframe> | Defines an inline frame that contains another document |
<img> | </img> | Embeds an external image in an HTML page |
<input> | </input> | Used to select user information |
<label> | </label> | Defines a label for an input element |
<li> | </li> | Defines a list item |
<menu> | </menu> | Used to create a list of menu choices |
<object> | </object> | Used to include objects such as images, audio, videos, Java applets, ActiveX, PDF, and Flash |
<ol> | </ol> | Used to create an ordered list (Number List) |
<option> | </option> | Defines a option in/within a select list |
<p> | </p> | Defines a paragraph |
<pre> | </pre> | Defines preformatted text |
<s> | </s> | Renders strikethrough text |
<script> | </script> | Defines JavaScript code |
<sellect> | </sellect> | Use to form a drop down list |
<small> | </small> | Renders small text |
<span> | </span> | Provides a way to add a hook to a part of a text or a part of a document but has no visual change by itself |
<strong> | </strong> | Renders highlighted text |
<sub> | </sub> | Defines a subscript in a text line |
<sup> | </sup> | Defines a supscript in a text line |
<style> | </style> | Used to define style information on a html document |
<table> | </table> | used to define a table |
<tbody> | </tbody> | Used to group the body content in an HTML table |
<td> | </td> | defines a standard cell in an HTML table |
<textarea> | </textarea> | defines a multi-line text input box |
<th> | </th> | Used to define a HTML table header |
<title> | </title> | Used to define a title of a HTML document |
<tr> | </tr> | Defines a row in an HTML table |
<tt> | </tt> | Renders Teletype text |
<u> | </u> | Renders underlined text |
<ul> | </ul> | Defines an unordered list ( Bullet List) |